Game-Changing Creativity: What business leaders can learn from Paris 2024

Creativity isn’t just for artists and tech startups; it’s the secret sauce that keeps businesses competitive. Today, whether you're drafting contracts in a law firm or analysing financial markets, creative thinking is your best ally. 

But don’t just take my word for it—look at the Paris Olympics. Here are five ways the Games are turning creativity into gold, with lessons that are sure to inspire.

1. AI-powered athlete safeguarding

Imagine being a top athlete, only to be pelted with online abuse after a tough day. Enter the IOC’s AI bodyguard. This digital knight scans social media for abusive messages and flags them for removal. Athletes also have access to a chat service on the Athlete365 platform for quick advice on social media and anti-doping. Think of it as having an AI-powered PA who’s always got your back. 

For businesses, it’s a reminder: Use tech to protect and support your team.

Ask yourself: How might we leverage AI to create safer and more supportive environments for our employees? What if we used similar technologies to enhance our customer support systems?


2. Efficient planning with digital twinning

Forget endless site visits. Paris 2024 uses digital twinning to create virtual copies of venues, allowing real-time monitoring of energy use and optimal camera placements—all from a comfy chair. Digital twinning involves creating a virtual replica of a physical object, system, or environment. This digital model can be used to simulate, analyse, and optimise various aspects of the real-world counterpart in real-time.

This approach doesn’t just save time; it boosts efficiency and reduces stress. It’s like playing SimCity but with real-world stakes. Digital twins enable precise planning for resource allocation, including staffing, equipment, and security measures, ensuring that each venue operates smoothly and efficiently.

Imagine applying this to your office: fewer headaches, more productivity.

Ask yourself: What if we could simulate different business scenarios to better prepare for potential challenges?


3. Remote and connected races

Why should only elite athletes have all the fun? Thanks to startups like Kinomap, anyone can join the “Marathon for All” virtually. This is democratising fitness and creating a global community of participants. Think of it as a massive, international fun run without leaving your neighborhood. In the corporate world, this translates to the power of virtual platforms to foster inclusivity and engagement among a dispersed workforce.

Ask yourself: How might we create virtual events that engage and include our remote employees? What if we used similar technology to connect with our clients and partners globally?


Photo credit: Flickr

4. Break Dancing: Attracting the Youth

Who would’ve thought break dancing would make it to the Olympics? Paris 2024 has done just that, adding break dancing to attract a younger audience. This move is like dropping a fresh beat in the middle of a classical symphony—unexpected, but it gets everyone grooving. By embracing contemporary culture and the interests of younger generations, the Olympics are staying relevant and exciting. For businesses, this highlights the importance of staying in tune with emerging trends and continually finding new ways to engage the next generation.

Ask yourself; How might we incorporate trends and interests of younger generations into our business strategies? What if we experimented with unconventional approaches to attract a new demographic?


5. Innovative Branding

Paris 2024’s branding, designed by Conran Design Group, isn’t just a logo; it’s a statement. It’s modern, dynamic, and breaks away from the old, stuffy conventions. It’s like seeing a suit-and-tie executive rocking a pair of neon sneakers—bold and unforgettable. A strong, creative brand identity can do the same for your business, making you stand out in the best way possible.

For businesses, a strong, creative brand identity can do the same, making you stand out in the best way possible.

Ask yourself: How might we reimagine our brand (or specific project brands) to better reflect our company’s values and vision? What if we took bold steps to differentiate ourselves from our competitors through creative branding?


The Paris Olympics are a masterclass in how creativity drives progress and inclusivity. Whether through tech innovations, virtual inclusivity, bold branding, or attracting youth with break dancing, these Games offer a treasure trove of inspiration. 

So, take a page from their playbook and start injecting some creative magic into your own professional realm. Who knows? You might just turn your next corporate challenge into a gold-medal moment.


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